Sport bike or 4-wheels box?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere pharetra est, at scelerisque felis commodo nec. Nulla et quam in tortor porttitor fringilla. Praesent id euismod nulla. Maecenas tellus elit, feugiat id purus nec, hendrerit blandit turpis.

Nulla nec sollicitudin tortor. Pellentesque eu ligula sed eros dapibus congue. Pellentesque semper erat sem, ut porta sapien fringilla eget. Phasellus ornare elementum risus, vitae volutpat risus aliquet et. Sed laoreet tortor ac libero venenatis posuere.

Aliquam dignissim eros ac scelerisque malesuada. Curabitur sollicitudin vel enim in pulvinar. Pellentesque convallis nibh tellus, vitae adipiscing risus malesuada non. Duis mi velit, vehicula posuere odio in, lacinia venenatis est. Pellentesque vehicula feugiat mattis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur at nunc varius, iaculis purus id, congue mauris. Sed orci arcu, consectetur sed luctus a, tincidunt sed tortor. Aliquam eu felis vitae nisl fringilla vulputate auctor sit amet purus. Mauris imperdiet ligula justo, et congue lorem malesuada vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque urna sapien, pharetra at metus ac, vulputate interdum nunc.

Suspendisse eget elit nulla. Etiam sit amet felis sagittis, rhoncus velit at, vehicula velit. Nulla eget orci vitae leo porttitor volutpat vitae quis sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id nisl nec nunc scelerisque consectetur. Morbi dapibus massa non felis malesuada lacinia sed id tortor. Etiam enim massa, aliquam at faucibus vel, euismod consectetur tortor. Aliquam cursus egestas mattis. Integer sed enim ornare, fringilla eros sed, aliquet massa. Nam ultricies erat ut neque venenatis, ac egestas tellus volutpat. Sed consectetur pretium ipsum vel ultricies. Fusce pellentesque, diam sed scelerisque vulputate, velit nunc lacinia risus, quis convallis sapien odio eu leo. Donec vel tincidunt massa. Quisque leo sapien, posuere nec bibendum ut, scelerisque id quam. Suspendisse sagittis elit sit amet lorem molestie, congue convallis nunc pharetra.

Category: TIPS

Improved Input Settings in MQL4

I choose to see the changes as a good thing and as a simplified transition from MQL4 to MQL5, or a mixture of the two. If you want to continue to code in ‘old school’ MQL4 then you’re free to do so, nobody is forcing anybody to change the way they work to any large degree.

How to Install MQL4 Experts Advisors, Indicators and Scripts

Build 600 of MetaTrader 4 was a huge leap forward and has offered a great deal of improvements and benefits to the MQL4 coder, but it comes at a price.

Many users are confused initially and have a hard time navigating around the new interface and finding exactly where to install their expert advisors, indicators and scripts.

5 Forex Mistakes You May Be Making

No matter how long you’ve been trading or how successful you think you are, it’s possible that you’re still making some basic mistakes and don’t even realize it.

Take a look at the 5 most common Forex mistakes that traders make and see how many of them you’re guilty of. You might be surprised and who knows, you may even re-think the way you trade.

Category: FAQ

Simulate strategies in real time before running live

Most traders would agree that they'd like to "test drive" a system before using it. Some programs allow this through "back-testing," in which the program uses historical data to execute the trades and show you what they would have been.

Have one long and one short strategy per account

Due to the size of the online trading platform, there may be a limit to the number of strategies that you can have loaded on each account. For example, if you want to run two long trading strategies, you may need two accounts.

Easily and intelligently create a stock trading strategy

There should be a step-by-step guide to show novice traders how to create a trading strategy. Are there off-the-shelf strategies that are available for your use? Are there any fees involved or are they offered for free? Can you modify the off the shelf strategies?